Chris Kendrick Chris Kendrick

The Magic of Movement

Our time is very limited so we have to use the time we have to workout very effectively and efficiently.

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Chris Kendrick Chris Kendrick

No More Crunches Needed

Movements that you are performing in order to get a six-pack, could cause you to break down with injury.

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Chris Kendrick Chris Kendrick

One Habit At A Time

When people try to quickly overhaul their lifestyle, the changes don’t stick. Here’s what to do:

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Chris Kendrick Chris Kendrick

Sleep: The Cure All?

Most people need more sleep than they think. A high percentage of the population is walking around in “sleep debt.”

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Chris Kendrick Chris Kendrick

No More Hunchbacks

The number of people that are developing poor posture is growing exponentially. Here’s why:

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