One Habit At A Time
Consider the following statistics:
Approximately 50% of patients do not take their medications as prescribed
When trying to change one behavior the likelihood that it will stick for a year or more is greater than 80%
When trying to change two behaviors that likelihood drops to less than 35%
When trying to change three or more behaviors the success rate plummets to less than 5%
Given the above information, is it any surprise, then, that when people try to massively overhaul their lifestyle in a very short period of time, the changes don’t stick? Of course not. But, let’s be honest, most of us are not the most patient – especially when it comes to changing our bodies. We want to be in shape, like, yesterday.
A very common scenario is when people reach a certain time period of the year such as the new year, or the beginning of summer, or just any old Monday (Maybe some of you are in this position today) and they proclaim that they are going to make huge changes to get the body they want. For example, they may state that they will:
Wake up 30 minutes earlier to eat breakfast every morning
Eat 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
Exercise 5 hours per week
Take a multivitamin
Cut down on bad carbohydrates
Take 10g of fish oil per day
Go to bed 1 hour earlier
Now, don’t get me wrong, these are all great habits to adopt – but not all at the same time. It is just way too much. If 50% of patients cannot properly take medications that potentially could prevent them from dying prematurely, how can someone expect to be able to change multiple habits (Such as those above) all at once? It shows how difficult change is. These people are faced with potential death and it is still not enough.
So, what is the solution?
Determine one, and only one, habit you want to change
On a scale of 1-10 determine how sure you are you can adopt that habit
If it is anything less than a 9 either adjust the habit or choose a different one
Practice your habit for one full month
Once it becomes habitual then, and only then, can you move on to a new idea. While you are working on your new habit you have permission to ignore everything else you have read or heard about nutrition and exercise. Focus on that one habit and only that. Sound too simple? It should. Remember, you have a greater than 80% chance of success when trying to change one behavior. So keep it simple and be patient because one simple step at a time is the route to the body you desire.