Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes

The sweet potato vs. potato debate is an interesting one. Interesting because when you actually dive into the evidence, there is very little difference between the two. But what about all the talk of sweet potatoes being a ‘superfood’ and the regular potato being too high in carbs? Well, let’s take a closer look at those arguments along with others related to the debate.

1. The ‘Superfood’ claim

  • If you are talking about Vitamin A, then yes, absolutely! However, other than that, when you put them side-by-side their overall nutritional value is very similar.

2. Potatoes will cause spikes in blood sugar and appetite

  • When you look at the glycemic load of each, they both fall in the mid-to-high range. Also, blood sugar response to food varies depending on many factors.

3. Too many carbs! Avoid both of them!

  • Actually, they both contain a lot of starch and fiber, which are very beneficial to health and for staying lean.

Now that we have covered some of the ways in which both sweet potatoes and potatoes can be your friend, let’s talk about how to eat them and how much to eat. Boiled or roasted is always a solid choice – without loading them up with massive amounts of butter, bacon, and cream, of course! Limit any that are fried, loaded up, or in the form of chips. When deciding on how much to eat, pay attention to your individual considerations and goals. Generally speaking, 1-2 cupped handfuls of carb-rich foods (sweet potatoes, potatoes, beans, lentils, fruit, whole grains) per meal is a good barometer.


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