Making Time: 3 Strategies

We live in a very fast-paced world these days. Constant demands on our time, energy, and attention. It can be difficult and daunting to fit healthy habits into your daily life. That said, with a little preparation and careful thought, there are strategies you can employ to navigate these sometimes-rough waters. Here are 3 great ones to start with:

1. What is your ‘why’?

Simon Sinek has made a career out of this very question and there is a very reason for it – it is so important! Ask yourself honest questions about why you want to eat healthier and exercise consistently. Keep digging until you find that big compelling reason.

2. Identify what is most important

Is scrolling through Instagram late at night more important to you than getting a great night of sleep? Does spending time with friends and family mean more to you than playing video games. What is truly important to you?

3. Keep track on your time and what you are doing with it

Once you get into the weeds of how you are spending your time each day, you may find that it does not align with #1 and #2. Keep an eye on it for a couple of weeks so you can figure unknown habits and ways to improve.


How to Make More Time


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