How to Make More Time

Here are 3 more great strategies to help you carve out valuable time to spend on movement and nutrition:

1. Start with small changes in time commitment

Find areas in your day where you can substitute healthy habits for not-so healthy ones. For example, you could spend 15 minutes preparing a healthy meal instead of watching TV.

2. Establish systems that makes it more convenient

There are several strategies you can employ here to get you going in the right direction. For example, you could sign up for a meal delivery service like Blue Apron or Freshly. Another idea is to keep non-healthy foods out of the house and plenty of healthy ones in clear sight.

3. Put it on your schedule like you do with everything else

Don’t just wait for days when you feel like working out or eating healthy – that is very unreliable in the long-term. Treat your health like you would anything else that is important and schedule it on your calendar.

Combine the above strategies with the three that were discussed on Monday in Making Time. At the end of the week, sit down and analyze how it all went for you. Were you successful? Great! Celebrate the victory! Did you struggle? That’s OK – just figure out why and correct it the following week.


5 Keys To Making Nutrition Easier


Making Time: 3 Strategies