A Little More. A Little Better.

Kaizen is a Japanese concept referring to continuous improvement. However small it may appear; the very act of progress is what it is all about. Don’t get caught up in the details just do a little better every day and the end result will be amazing. When working on lifestyle changes, there are several ways in which to achieve this:

At the gym:

  • You could increase the weight you’re lifting by 5 – 10 pounds.

  • You could add one or two reps to the sets you’re doing

  • You could increase the treadmill speed or incline during your intervals by 0.1

In the kitchen:

  • You could try cooking your all your protein at once if you’ve been missing meals

  • You could add a new vegetable you haven’t tried yet

  • You could add a daily shake

During your life

  • You could go to bed 30 minutes earlier

  • You could meditate for 20 minutes per day

  • You could use less electronics

You get the point. Think about where your exercise, nutrition, and overall lifestyle currently stands. Find aspects that are important to you that you would like to change and do them a little more or a little better. You can work on the same thing every day, or try a new “little bit better” every day. It’s your choice. What’s most important is that you do SOMETHING a little better today.


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