Discipline = Freedom

With the growth and popularity of social media platforms, you can pretty much get a blow by blow account of what most people are doing during the course a day – every day. Whether it’s an Instagram post with the group of people they worked out with at 5.30am that morning. Maybe it’s a post about the healthy smoothie they prepared the night before, so it was ready to drink post-workout. Or maybe it’s a full-on recipe reveal of what’s on the menu for meal preparation on a given Sunday. Regardless, it’s in our faces all day, every day.

What is your first reaction when you see this or hear about it from a friend or family member? Many people would look at these as being excessive and taking it “too seriously”. Why would you get up at such an early time when you could be sleeping? Why take the time to make a shake the night before when you can pick one up somewhere on the way home? Why go to all that work preparing meals all day Sunday when you work right next to a retail area full of restaurants?

These are just examples of some ways that people use discipline in their lives to achieve freedom. Yes, getting up at the crack of dawn is not feasible for everyone, but if you can, it is a game changer for the rest of your day. Taking some time in the evening to prepare a shake instead of watching that last Netflix episode frees up your morning, saves you time, and decreases your stress levels. Similarly, The Sunday meal preparation takes all the guesswork and decision making out of your whole week.

Give some serious thought to see where in your life you can implement more systems that improve discipline. It can be with anything, but I suggest you begin with your own health and wellness. Are you setting aside time for yourself to work out every day? Are you taking the time to plan your meals ahead of time, so you are not just aimlessly eating whatever is available? Make time. Daily movement and proper nutrition are that important. Add more discipline to both areas and you will add more freedom to your life.


Embrace The Discomfort